Street Squad
In late 2008, God awakened one of His servants at Harvest One Way, and reminded him
of the need to evangelize and to reach the lost. At that time, God had also touched a
another servant at Harvest One Way, a fellow brother in Christ, and he, too, felt that it was necessary
to "hit the streets" to help people understand their need for Jesus. While both made
efforts to evangelize in the past, those efforts often proved unsuccessful, as it
seemed the Gospel was rarely presented in a clear fashion. Thus, it became
evident that the Lord was trying to do something different this time around.
Wanting help in the area of evangelism, one servant recalled a website
he'd stumbled across a few years prior to this vision in search of evangelism
tactics: www.WayoftheMaster.com (a ministry of Living Waters). Way of the Master used
something known as "the Good Person Test" to present the Gospel by bringing
about the knowledge of sin. The two servants began studying their witnessing techniques
- realizing it was a simple, yet biblical, approach to sharing one's faith - and
soon implemented the same evangelism technique at their local church, Harvest One Way
Ministries www.harvestoneway.org.
In May 2009, Street Squad was founded one servant, Marcus, adopted the moniker "Bless'D 24-7",
while the other, Donovan, would be known as "R.V." (Resurrected Vessel). Now, after years of service,
they are still sharing the Gospel with much of the church at
Harvest One Way
laboring in evangelism as part of Street Squad.
Street Squad's mission can be best summarized by their catch phrase, "Turnin' the world
upside down." This phrase is taken from Acts 17:6 where the early Christians who were
spreading the gospel (namely Paul & Silas) were declared by their detractors to be men
who "turned the world upside down." This catch phrase makes even more sense
when we realize that many of the practical teachings of Christ, even salvation, goes
against the world's typical thought pattern and ideas.
Street Squad Ministries is now an official division of Harvest One Way Ministries, with its own
distinct funding, website, and mission dedicated to sharing the gospel and encouraging all
Christians to do the same.
Bless'D 24-7, R.V. (Resurrected Vessel), and AngelFace
Bless'd is happily married to Lady Bless'd with three wonderful boys. They have been married
since 2003 and reside in Woodbridge, VA. The entire family serves faithfully at Harvest One
Way. Bless'd is a graduate the School of Biblical Evangelism.
R.V. is happily married to Lady R.V. and has one precious daughter. They have been married
since 2006 and also reside in Woodbridge, VA. They also serve as Youth Pastors at Harvest
One Way. R.V. is a graduate of the School of Biblical Evangelism and holds a Masters
of Arts in Theological Studies.
Angel Hyman ("AngelFace") is a young adult who has overcome many challenges
through the grace of God. She is working on her degree in the NOVA area.
She faithfully serves as a Youth Minister at Harvest One Way and is sold-out
to the Lord. She recently enrolled in the School of Biblical Evangelism